
New bistable LCD is 99% more energy efficient than traditional LCD



Lumex announced the global launch of the InfoVue Bi-Stable series of displays, which have low energy consumption and are suitable for many applications where display information is not frequently replaced. Compared with traditional LCD technology, Lumex InfoVue Bi-Stable LCD can save energy up to 99% in some applications.

The traditional LCD module needs a continuous power supply of 25-50mW even when displaying a static image without change. The Lumex bistable LCD only needs a one-time 10mW power supply for 2-5 seconds. After the power supply is interrupted, the image can be displayed for more than one year. With this new technology, users can not only save costs, reduce energy consumption, but also update important display information more conveniently.

The bistable technology is compatible with various LCD configurations and can replace standard LCD technology or printing display technology that has a lower frequency of information replacement than traditional LCD applications. Bistable LCD application areas include:

• Retail stores (display goods prices and promotional information on the shelves and the entire store);

• Industrial control (temperature control, automation control and drive control and other related applications);

• Security (display weather, alarms and access control on the panel of the indoor security system);

• Hotel management (display information in public areas and rooms)

InfoVue bistable LCD uses innovative cholesteric liquid crystal display technology to replace the traditional twisted nematic liquid crystal display technology. With this technology, the LCD can operate normally even when the energy supply is extremely low. For applications that need to transition from the traditional LCD technology with high energy consumption, this technology saves a lot of cost.

This technology also saves costs for the transition from printed display applications to bistable LCD technology. Regardless of economic cost or environmental cost, InfoVue bistable LCD has become a low-energy substitute for repeated printing of various display technologies. In addition, in terms of saving time and cost, it can be updated centrally through a computer, without the need for a specific location and specific manpower. Brian Coates, Technical Sales Manager of Lumex, stated that “InfoVue bistable LCD has many incomparable advantages over other traditional wall-mounted display systems, especially in terms of cost and performance.” For example, retail stores can save printing goods and use manual labor. For the cost of pasting price information, the bi-stable LCD makes it easier to display other convertible information such as "current day only" or "recent specials" on the display.

InfoVue bistable LCD technology is provided with free integrated support. Lumex technical design experts can integrate bistable technology with LEDs, light tubes, switches, connectors and other key components to maximize its performance and efficiency in each application field.

The InfoVue bi-stable LCD compatible with RoHs can be customized in sizes from ¼ inches to 9½ inches. Can provide samples with a size of 2.8 inches and a resolution of 128*64. The display has two color formats, black text on a yellow background and blue text on a white background.

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