
Design of body fat and oximeter based on BLE technology



1. Introduction

China is accelerating its entry into an aging society, and the prevalence of chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes in the population over 65 is 3 to 7 times that of the population aged 15 to 45, resulting in a serious shortage of medical resources. It is particularly important to monitor chronic diseases and provide medical and health protection for the elderly.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology have listed personal medical monitoring and remote diagnosis as the development priorities of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" and provided corresponding funding. The Ministry of Health has also initiated and sponsored some cooperative medical service demonstration projects. In the meantime, mobile Internet technology companies have also entered the field of health care, launching health management products, and applying technologies such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing to health management products. The monitored health data can be transmitted through wireless technology. To portable devices such as mobile phones.

In response to the telemedicine care market trend, World Peace Group launched a body fat and blood oximeter solution based on Bluetooth 4.0 single-mode (BLE) low power consumption technology. Bluetooth 4.0 single-mode is BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), which is characterized by lower power consumption, which can make the battery use longer, lower cost and longer transmission distance.

2. Functional block diagram

3. Function description

①Body fat signal measurement: using the analog front end for measuring body fat, the sinusoidal current signal generated by the internal DDS and DAC is output after the filter, and applied to the human body between the two measurement terminals to obtain the electrical signal, and then use the SPI interface Send data to MCU for data processing;

② Sampling of blood oxygen signal: Using the analog front end for measuring blood oxygen, the internal LED is driven to connect to the external LED, and the light is emitted. After the object is measured, the data received by the light-emitting diode is analyzed for analysis and the blood oxygen content is obtained;

③ Signal data display: Data processing through MCU, and display body fat, blood oxygen data, and real-time waveform change depiction of blood oxygen content in LCM;

④ Signal data transmission: send blood oxygen and body fat data to the Bluetooth device through the BLE module.

4. Important features

① Body fat measurement integrates two separate signal chains, one for weight measurement and the other for body composition analysis. A 16-bit 860 sps analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is used for multiplexing between the two. The 3 BCM channels of the device can perform segmented impedance analysis (BIA) between the limbs of the human body to fully understand the composition of the body.

② The receiving path of the blood oxygen measurement chip includes a programmable transimpedance amplifier (TIA), an environmental noise cancellation circuit, and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The transmit path contains LED drivers and programmable 8-bit power supplies with currents up to 150mA. Integrating the transceiver path in a single device can significantly reduce the time and board space required for device design.

③ The data processing adopts 16-bit ultra-low power consumption, mixed signal processor with reduced instruction set (RISC).

④ Bluetooth wireless data transmission adopts Bluetooth 4.0 single-mode low-power system-on-chip (SoC) solution.

5. Project photos

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